By Published On: September 2nd, 2019Categories: Digital & Web, Multichannel & Integrated

If “quality” is top of mind when you think about your email list strategy, BRAVO! You’re among the top thinkers who are keenly aware that list quality is of the utmost importance. In fact, in a recent study* on the topic, 73% of marketing agencies reported that it’s their most important goal.

List quality is vital to achieving nearly all other email goals

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A clean list naturally leads to increased conversions, because users that want to receive your emails are more likely to engage and convert. Marketers know that email lists are the key to future sales and that developing and maintaining high-quality lists is imperative to success. Email marketing evolved very quickly, and as a result, spam filters often became overly aggressive in response. Over time, agencies have adapted and responded, and as a result, are reporting that both list quality and list size are increasing.

What can you be doing better to grow your email lists?

You may need to evolve your approach. While marketers have become more strategic overall in the way they work, documenting an overall strategy is a first step they can’t afford to skip.

There are several tactics that agencies rank as highly effective when assessing their email list strategies. Using specific landing pages to ask a user to update information, or even to give additional details, is a top performer. This is because the user understands that providing the information will result in more accurate messages.

What are the MOST EFFECTIVE TACTICS used to achieve email list strategy success?

According to agency experts,* consider these tactics, in order of most effective to least:

  1. Email-specific landing pages
  2. Content download registrations
  3. Email and social media integrations
  4. Website access registrations
  5. Subscriber-only offers
  6. Paid search campaigns
  7. Offline/in-store/call center opt-ins

What email list strategies and tactics do you need help with?

Clients most often need help with integrating email and social media campaigns to grow their lists. That’s no surprise since social media platforms recently began closing their APIs so that companies can’t easily export this data. Clients also want the ability to integrate various types of offline opt-ins.

In addition to email and social media integrations, clients struggle with paid search campaigns, building email-specific landing pages and subscriber-only offers to build-up their lists.

That’s where Responsory can help. We take on the most difficult tactics on behalf of our clients to achieve email list strategy success. These clients want to implement and execute client email strategies effectively. So tapping into a specialist like Responsory to put an initial strategy in place is a swift, viable approach to that end.

Email marketing is one piece of the marketing automation pie

Email marketing is just one aspect of a marketing automation platform, but it’s a powerful tool. With marketing automation, you can create drip campaigns that nurture leads, use dynamic content to personalize messages and segment on buyer personas for even more targeted communications.

Responsory offers two levels of marketing automation services. Find out more, here.


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