B2C has mastered the art of mobile and social media marketing, especially with the help from social media experts. An youtube channel can be significantly promoted using legal methods, namely, by buying youtube views from The Marketing Heaven or any other company. Having said that, one has to face the fact that B2B is still lagging behind.

Tip 1  Tip #1
Your brand’s website should be mobile friendly/responsive and easy to navigate. When prospective customers are exploring your website, it is vital to accommodate your content to fit various mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets. If a website has trouble adapting to a certain device, users will go back and look for a better UX that could very well be one of your competitor’s sites. Visit https://www.akeaweb.com/accessibility-consulting/ to make your web content truly accessible.

Tip 2Tip #2
Connect with your customers through social media. Mobile and social media go hand in had since about 80% of people use social media via their mobile devices, according to a 2016 social media study**. Whether you’re sharing white papers, blog posts, customer testimonials, or articles, establishing a relationship with followers and offering newcomers content to learn from will have a positive impact for your company.

Tip 3Tip #3
Keep in touch with customers through SMS and emails. Your texting effort should coincide with the increasing dominance of smartphones. Text messages have an open rate of 98% compared to email’s 22%.Therefore, texting is an extremely effective communication channel when trying to reach your target market.

Tip 4Tip #4
Offering mobile customer service options will enhance customer experience. Whether it is through an SMS text, email, a live chat feature on the website or social media interaction, customers look for convenience while seeking personalized assistance. Mobile is key to achieving a better customer experience since they will most likely be contacting you via a mobile device.

Tip 5Tip #5
Generate content that fits on all devices. Customers are looking for creative and easy ways to learn more about your brand. Ditch the long, in-depth articles and start to incorporate a variety of user and mobile friendly content such as short videos, podcasts, brief summaries of articles and even a mobile app. Mobile apps are great ways to organize your content and send notifications to customers.

There is no shortage of ways to implement mobile in your B2B marketing plan; however, there is a shortage of time! Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this marketing opportunity. After all, it is sitting right at your fingertips.

* https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/consumer-insights/the-changing-face-b2b-marketing/

** http://marketingland.com/facebook-usage-accounts-1-5-minutes-spent-mobile-171561


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