New Pharma Site Strikes Important Balance

Client: Hikma Pharmaceuticals

The prescription for this pharmaceutical website was to strike the right balance between serving patients and healthcare professionals.

Ready to promote its black box rheumatoid arthritis drug Ridaura®, Hikma Pharmaceuticals (formerly West-Ward Pharmaceuticals) called on Responsory to develop a multi-purpose, educational website. With the goal of addressing needs for both patients and healthcare professionals, we rolled up our sleeves and set to work.

Black box drugs can often generate more questions among concerned patients. One of our priorities was to help answer those questions for patients and seamlessly put those answers in the hands of prescribing physicians. Taking this effort a step further, Responsory designed a companion content piece created to educate healthcare professionals. The 6-panel brochure makes a highly effective leave-behind for Hikma sales representatives.

Another requirement for the Ridaura website’s design and development was a swift turnaround. The site was strategized, wireframed, written, designed, built, tested, reviewed and approved within a 4 month period.

RESULTS:  Double digit engagement from our dual audiences. The site’s easy-to-follow navigation, lifestyle imagery and quick-hitting information has gained patient and physician accolades via engagement and kudos from Hikma sales representatives as a much-needed sales tool resource.  More than 35% of visitors visit the healthcare provider section and 26% engage with the patient support section and FAQs.