Fresh Concepts That Keep Them Coming Back for More

Client: International Masters Publishers

IMP, International Masters Publishers, a global leader in direct marketing and continuity publishing, came to Responsory (formerly Johnson Direct) with a lofty challenge. Specializing in high-quality products and publications that inform, entertain and inspire through print and media format, the company was seeking fresh strategies to boost the performance of its direct mail customer acquisition packages and significantly reduce production costs.

Since continuity product consumption is declining among direct mail consumers of books, music, movies, cosmetics, food and alcohol, the need to revamp, or at least revise, their direct mail campaigns was never more critical.

With a focus on IMP’s Ancient Civilizations and Great American Recipes brands, Responsory conducted a marketing audit of IMP’s direct mail, web and customer relations efforts, and developed detailed marketing strategy recommendations. Through careful examination of existing research, prior campaign results, customer profile and model reports and an in-depth customer experience review, Responsory defined where IMP’s current marketing efforts were falling short and provided recommended improvements.

Along with many ‘aha’ moments, Responsory’s consulting efforts included creative development for two unique direct mail packages (and completely new formats) for the Ancient Civilizations product, and one for the Great American Recipes product. The approach included segmenting and underscoring the product value and unique benefits to appeal to longer-term, paying customers. Responsory also created a customer retention strategy, provided interactive recommendations and revamped the content and look of IMP invoices. Efficient formats reduced production costs for the test packages, boosting ROI.

RESULTS: While the company keeps specific results close to the vest, one of the packages beat the control in terms of customer payment conversions and retention.