These Stats Are Powerful, Right?

So then the question is, what’s your 2021 email marketing strategy?

If you’re short on time and lack the resources to put your best foot forward when it comes to email marketing in the new year, you’re not alone. Today’s marketing departments often wear many hats and are increasingly under pressure to do more with fewer resources. Dedicating time to a well-planned, finely tuned and timely email marketing strategy is challenging at best.

Not only do you have to write the emails, but you also have to understand the ins and outs of email marketing, such as building a subscriber list, frequency and timing, effective messaging, headlines, pre-headers, calls-to-action and more. You also must invest in an email marketing platform and train your staff on how to use it.

What’s a Short-on-Time and -Resources Marketer to Do?

We have two tips for you.


Make the Case for Why Email is Critical to Your 2021 Marketing Strategy

It’s a fact. Today’s audiences want (and expect) to hear from your brand via email. The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, but one channel that consistently performs is email marketing. When done right, email marketing is an inexpensive yet extremely effective way to nurture leads and engage with customers and prospects. Email marketing has been around for decades, and some may even argue that email marketing is the most proven and tested digital marketing channel.

A key benefit of email marketing is its ability to tie together all of your digital marketing efforts. Email is usable on multiple devices and it can include social media, online video and other marketing elements all within the email marketing message. Its especially effective for email-driven content marketing.

Because it’s easy to track and measure, email marketing is also an excellent vehicle for testing new products, marketing messages/creative, promotions/offers, and more.


Justify the Investment for Professional Email Marketing Support

Whether you’re tight on time and resources, completely new to email marketing or you’re simply looking to boost the results of your current efforts, an expert can help. Hiring the right marketing partner to support or handle your 2021 email marketing strategy can give your efforts the time and attention needed to deliver great results.

What can you expect from an email marketing partner?

We can’t speak for other agencies, but here at Responsory, we take a holistic approach to email marketing. This is the only way you’ll see truly positive engagement that matters to your bottom line and delivers ROMI. Here are a few examples:

  • You’ll learn how to grow your email list organically (never buy email lists!). Authentic list building breeds better email marketing performance.
  • Email tactics are designed and timed to usher your target audience through a personal experience that reflects positively on your brand.
  • Segmenting ensures that relevant messaging and offers and calls-to-action are tailored for and delivered to your varied audiences (by market, geo, job role, etc.).

When choosing a partner, consider how they can help you in these critical email marketing areas:

  • Email marketing strategy and action plan customized for your business and goals
  • Topic schedule (coordinating with blog and social media efforts) and writing email content
  • Creating drip campaigns for top tier audience types/segments
  • Design and coding of on-brand HTML templates
  • Production and distribution of each email/issue
  • Managing subscriber databases (including building them up or building them from scratch)
  • Tracking and analyzing results
  • Selecting and/or onboarding an email marketing automation platform*

Email marketing services from an experienced, multichannel marketing partner like Responsory can help you skip the learning curve and jump right into delivering measurable results, saving you time and money. We can also help you effectively integrate email into your other online and offline marketing efforts for a truly omni-channel approach.

Let’s Recap It

We’ve reviewed many reasons email is a cost-effective, proven channel for reaching your customers and prospects. And, we’ve established that it takes expertise, time and resources to ensure you’ll see measurable results and a return on your investment. After all, there are countless reasons why emails don’t perform – from the technology you’re using to your data, overall strategy, messaging and creative. An audit will help you evaluate what’s working and what’s not (and why!). Here’s what you can expect from an email marketing audit.

Now, the ball is in your court. What steps will you take to enhance your marketing mix with the power of email marketing? We’re here to help: Talk it out with an email marketing pro at Responsory.

*A Note on Email Marketing Technology:

The partner you choose should be open to supporting your 2021 email marketing strategy with your preferred email platform. If you’re already using an email marketing and/or full marketing automation platform, the pros at Responsory will seamlessly work with it. Our team has extensive experience with platforms like Hubspot, Marketo, Salesforce/Pardot, Constant Contact and many others. If you don’t have a platform, consider learning more about Marketing Automation by Responsory, a full-service platform powered by SharpSpring.