Project Description

Add Email + Landing Pages to the Mix to Boost Engagement

Client: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan

Direct mail is the go-to channel for Medicare insurers looking to reach age-in candidates leading up to their 65th birthday. But how do these insurers crank up the volume on their response rates? How do they differentiate themselves among all the Medicare choices?

First, they call Responsory. Then, we get to work. When Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan came a’callin’, our job was to identify opportunities to better engage prospects, without dismantling its direct mail program which was already in progress.

We created a customized solution by employing a few key strategies:

  1. We optimized their direct mail and call center communications to ORGANICALLY build an opt-in prospect database
  2. We engaged prospects using a series of informative, compliance-friendly email messages
  3. We led prospects to content-rich landing pages that answered their most common questions
  4. We positioned MI as the go-to resource for Medicare info and prominently featured their 800 number

Take a look at our work samples. You’ll see a series of four emails and coordinating landing pages. At each step, we’re guiding our prospects through the often confusing and intimidating Medicare decision-making process.

How impactful was this approach? Very. Without divulging confidential stats, our solution:

  • Improved BlueCross Michigan’s multichannel integration by adding email to their mix.
  • Introduced our age-ins to the valuable info and tools on our landing pages and Michigan’s main site.
  • And, our straightforward tone and helpful content worked to get our age-ins to click and call.