FAQs inspire other content like fact sheets, guides and how-tos.

Are you running out of content ideas? Look no further than your FAQs page…it’s content marketing at its best.

Your FAQ page is a treasure trove of inspiration for content that’s relevant to your audience. Why? Because it’s the one place on your website that houses questions people are really asking. This seemingly simple page brings added powerful resources to your content marketing strategy.

You Have All the Answers…Now Share Them

Turning FAQs into valuable content is a great way to boost your brand. There are SEO benefits too because you’ll have extra content you can link to and share. Take a look at our ideas below. Finding new life for your FAQs may be a lot easier than you think.

Idea 1: Blog Posts. Long-form blogs allow you to delve deeper into your most popular FAQ topics and share important industry-related information and insights. Blogs are one of the best ways to establish your brand as an authority in your field.

Idea 2: Social Posts. Create an eye-catching graphic for one of your best questions then post it on Twitter and Facebook. Have readers click back to the FAQ page to see the answer. Asking a question of your followers is a great way to get them engaged and interacting with your social media.

Idea 3: Videos. Create a simple Q&A video using multiple FAQs or focus on one specific topic in a short informational video that you can upload to YouTube, your social media platforms and your website. With the popularity of videos, you can quickly bring a lot of new traffic back to your website.

Idea 4: Infographic. Present your FAQs in an eye-catching way with graphics related to each topic. Your infographic can be downloaded and saved to the desktop or printed it out for handy reference.

Idea 5: Email Series: It’s likely you already have a quality list of email subscribers. A friendly tips-oriented or advice-laden series of emails can showcase your top FAQs. Emails are another avenue to get your audience to your site.

Here are some more content ideas for your FAQs:

  • PDF Brochures
  • Advice Articles
  • Buying Guides
  • Fact Sheets
  • Help Blurbs
  • How-tos

Now’s your chance to build or enhance your organization’s FAQs, turning them into invaluable pieces of content. If you need help, you know who to call.