By Published On: May 18th, 2016Categories: Advertising, Digital & Web, News

The outstanding results for InHealth Mutual (71% click to conversion rate), Children’s Community Health Plan (20% quote completion rate), EyeMed Vision Care (64% confirmation rate) and our other clients demonstrate Smart Zones’ unusual ability to accurately target audiences and the powerful reach of this cookie-free platform.

After seeing success stories like these, you might be wondering, how are results like this even possible? I’ll tell you what I tell everyone who asks us this same question…

Our display advertising success is founded on 5 critical building blocks. The best performing campaigns earn the highest conversion rates because they meet all of these criteria:

1. A product offering that meets the needs of the target markets/audiences

2. An offer that is very relevant and very timely

3. A response mechanism that is easy to use (effortless and intuitive) and quick (instant gratification)

4. Meaningful messaging and creative (for the target audience)

5. Sophisticated client-side lead and purchase tracking to ensure inquiries and transactions are reported on and attributed appropriately

When you find that you’re not satisfied with your campaign results, take a hard look at these aspects and my bet is, you’ll find opportunities for improvement. When auditing a client’s under-performing campaign, we often find that the offer and/or the landing page is the low-engagement culprit.

I must admit, it doesn’t hurt that Responsory has a secret weapon that helps ensure we find and reach our clients’ customers and prospects without obstruction and on any device. It’s called Smart Zones by Responsory.

Ask us how we can put Smart Zones and our best practices to work for your online marketing initiatives.

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