Chris Chuzles
Chris ChuzlesLead Developer/Senior Interactive Designer

Chris has over 20 years of experience in interactive design and development. Skilled in web design, user experience and animation, as well as graphic design and brand development, he works with our creative team to bring digital initiatives to life. From Northwestern Mutual to Blue Cross and Universal Studios to Motorola, he has experience with many high-profile brands.

Everyone who works with Chris becomes a fan. He is creative, efficient and dedicated to producing outstanding work. In addition to stints at several advertising and marketing firms in the area, Chris also served as a web design instructor at Waukesha County Technical College. He is a graduate of UW-Milwaukee. When he is not at work or spending time with his family, he is performing at gigs around town as the lead singer of a rock band.

5 Things You Don’t Know About Chris:

  1. I have a Bacon Number of 3.
  2. I was an Eagle Scout.
  3. When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be Schneider from “One Day at a Time”.
  4. I used to play in a ska band (it was the 90’s… who DIDN’T?).
  5. John C. Reilly once said “What’s up, dude?” to me. That was awfully nice of him.