2021: blink and you missed it … or at least that’s what it feels like as we embark on a new year. It’s around this time each year we find gyms packed full and soda being imbibed in less often. As hard as we try, we might not always stick to our New Year’s resolutions, our planned goals for the year, but it’s a tradition worth partaking in. It allows us to assess the past year and decide how to improve, adapt and grow in the next one. Now let’s put that principle to practice with New Year’s resolutions for marketing in 2022.

Get organized and tackle those goals

Whether you’re detail oriented enough to create SMART goals or simply ready to set your targets in the new year, creating marketing goals and fervently pursuing them should rank among the top plans for 2022.

When working with new clients, we like to assess past marketing activities and plans. What were some of the distractions that kept you from previously tackling your big marketing goals? In many cases, it’s a seemingly quicker result or “quick fix” that derailed the original path. Setting goals and sticking to them is paramount to marketing plan success and avoiding those unsatisfying metrics.

Try something new — failing is ok

How can you make progress in your marketing and sales efforts without trial and error? This year, make trying new things part of your marketing strategy. We’ve posted another blog on marketing trends for 2022, including accessible website design, PPC strategies and more. Ultimately, following trends should only happen if it makes sense for your business, but being comfortable with testing, failing and learning should always be part of your marketing process.

Listen with intention to those around you

Surround yourself with people who are invested in your business and your marketing goals. From your internal marketing team to your partner agency, ensuring everyone is aligned can help ensure your campaigns stay on the right track.

As marketers, one of our best tools is our ears. Effective listening requires considering and being in tune with your audience. Cultivating these relationships and better understanding your customers and prospects helps influence and inform marketing campaigns, solve and prevent future problems and position your business as authentic and valuable.

Ask more questions, aim to learn

Every marketing campaign, whether it’s successful or not, should be followed by assessment. How many clicks did this month’s ad receive? What percentage of customers are actually opening your email sends? Without diving into metrics, even at the highest level, you could be missing opportunities for optimization and revision.

At the end of the day, you need to be able to show ROI for your marketing efforts, whether that’s to your boss, CEO or other C-level executive. Or at the very least, the value and worth. Conducting marketing campaigns without true measurement is money wasted; all campaigns should have metrics in some form, whether that’s lead generation or brand awareness.

Give yourself an honest evaluation

In 2022, take a hard look at your website, social media and content. Have you been making consistent updates, or are they getting a little outdated? If it’s the latter, add updates to your new year to-dos. In many cases, these avenues are how your customers are going to get a first impression of your brand, business and product(s). If your content is not measuring up, you could be missing huge opportunities and potentially turning away new business.

While anybody can make a resolution for the new year, it takes determination and dedication to stick with it all year. If you need a marketing partner to shepherd you through it and have a part in your strategy and goals, Responsory can help. We’d love to help you kickstart your 2022 marketing efforts.