By Published On: May 7th, 2018Categories: Digital & Web was suffering from confusing navigation and a perplexing user interface among other traffic-deterring ailments. The path to engagement success was confusing and a good portion of it was untrackable! West-Ward Pharmaceuticals asked Responsory to assess the situation and provide a treatment plan.

Our website renovation plan was centered around the website’s three critical jobs:

  1. to educate and inform healthcare professional (HCP) and patient audiences
  2. to facilitate True Blue Savings program (co-pay card) activations
  3. to facilitate physician sample kit requests

The new site launched Q4 2017 and nearly immediately, we saw evidence of a strong recovery in terms of search optimization, traffic volume and user engagement. As part of our website maintenance program, we provide comprehensive quarterly analytics reports and here’s a summary of Q1 2018 traffic compared to the previous site’s performance Q1 2107.

The prognosis: The new is performing above expectations on its three critical jobs and in many other aspects.

Nearly all areas of the website are performing better than the old site this same time period last year. As part of our continuous improvement process, called Direct BrandingSM, we’ll implement enhancements to:

  • Further empower the site’s content to continue to bump up its organic search authority in Google and Bing.
  • Facilitate reasons and mechanisms for healthcare professionals and patient audiences to refer back to the site again and again with tactics that involve the Blog, Resources pages, new content and other channels driving traffic to the site.

Have an ailing website, microsite or landing page? Call on Responsory for the focused, results-oriented and compassionate care it deserves.

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